Technology Lab


Leslie Donovan, Content Interventionist Teacher

Keyboarding Without Tears >

Keyboarding Without Tears uses a patented, row-based approach to teaching the keyboard. Color-coded keys make it easy for students to learn finger-key associations, ensuring that keyboarding becomes a comfortable, automatic skill. Promotes typing fluency and speed with game-based lessons.


A great option for students getting started on their own. You'll learn the fundamentals of computer science with drag & drop blocks. Create your own drawings and games. This curriculum allows students to learn computer science concepts at the same time as learning other subjects like language arts, math, and science.

Hello World >

Immersive learning experiences at the forefront of technological advancement that builds 21st century knowledge, including artificial intelligence, data science and virtual reality.

Explore Interland: Play your way to Internet Awesome >

Interland is part of Google's “Be Internet Awesome” initiative, which teaches kids to be safer, more responsible citizens of the web. To accompany the games, we also created a companion site for parents and other people interested in this worthy cause.